Saturday, 23 January 2010

Pam - Part 3

Pam and I were really never left alone to develop our relationship properly, which I always thought was a shame because it had a lot of potential.

The problem was Pam's ex, who she had moved to the city to do university and they were on the same course and lived in the same house (a house his parents had bought for him).

So within the first week of seeing each other we were faced with the option of do we want to live together.

Pam had a lot of potential for someone that I would have lived with, but we really didn't know each other, so at that stage the closest we could have come to living together was if there was a room free in my house (which there wasn't).

Pam's ex-boyfriend basically started showing up any time we went out (he was good at scouring the pubs till her found us) and being an annoying sulk in the background or sit and try and be a sarcastic bastard wanker. The big problem was how do you get rid of someone like that? You can hit them (which stops the relationship), you can engage and try to come out as the funniest/wittiest (which either lets him look better than you or you as bad as him) or you can ignore him. Now everyone thought he was a dick but the wee bastard had persistence and didn't let go easily (because they were soulmates apparently) but it was nice to ask her back to mine at night and stop him at the door. If only because it let me and her hang out.

Now is where I'll tell you what our song was. She like Eva Cassidy loads, and much as we listened to her a lot, this is the song that brings me back to going out with Pam:

1 comment:

  1. Ha! Brilliant. Sulky stalker live-in ex-boyfriends sure will put a damper on things. Just found your blog via the Blog Award nominations. I'll be back!
