Wednesday, 6 January 2010

Julie - Part 4

Julie finally dumped her boyfriend in August. It was the longest relationship for both of them up til that point. Me and her didn't go out straight away.

We all tried to stay friends with both of them because one of Julie's friends had started going out with another mate, so she was a properly integrated part of the group.

That wasn't the only reason people stayed friends with her. It became clear as we were hanging out that I wasn't the only one who liked her.

The first anyone knew was another member of our group got really plastered one night and started trying to impress her with how much he could put other people down. We knew he was doing it for her benefit because whenever she left the room he was alright.

Apparently, and I'm not being big headed - history proves me right, he was trying to be like me because I was a cheeky shite and she liked this. Unfortunately for him I was a cheeky shite, he was acting like an arsehole.

He didn't end up going out with her. Julie's ex sulked in the corner and tried to get everyone to ignore her. It was childish but then again so was he. And I was starting to see that in him.

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